Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Trip to Baluchistan

 Trip to Baluchistan 

By Abida Rahmani

September 6,2017

We started at 6 am fromRawalpindi ,courtesy Salahs . Driving through motorway up to Talagang for a short while,then the regular two way road started. crossing many small towns and passed over the famous Chashma Barrage on river Indus .we arrived at the famous date orchards and selling spot "ڈھکی کھجور  dhakki dates "and enjoyed delicious , fresh juicy dates. Arrived at Dera Ismail Khan around 12 noon . Had a sumptuous lunch and offered zuhar.Re started at 1pm ,the road was quite rough ,dusty and presumed as under construction. On our way watched a lot many Gypsy caravans moving down with huge herds of sheep, goats and other animals. Mostly their belongings on tractor trollies. Most have now opted to modern ways of transportation . Baluchistan is blessed with lots of fruits ,( sweet n tasty ) and a variety of minerals.On our way saw lots of solar panels for irrigation and power supply. It is a vast barren land therefore humongous developmental strategy is still required .Close to Zhob we saw many grape selling shops and many vineyards on our way. A high class sweet and soft grapes are grown in this area. Arrived at Zhob lodge the army mess of Zhob Militia in Baluchistan around 5:30 pm. Then Went to an other higher spot or officers mess called paradise point. It's height is 4750 ft. This point was buildup in 1889 under the supervision of sir  Sandaman agent of Indian viceroy for Baluchistan . This city used to be  called "Fort Sandeman ". Z A Bhutto changed it's name to Zhob to eradicate the colonial era when he visited as a prime minister to this area. From this point we could see Zhob town all around . It reminded me of the Griffith Observatory in LA .which almost had the same height and location . However that one was a pro public attraction while this one is a military installation  with many vital differences.

Trip to Baluchistan (2)

Sept7: After a peaceful night stay we started for Quetta. Had a stopover at Qila Safullah where we had lunch . On our way saw a lot of chromite deposits which were loaded in trucks . Chromite is a potential mineral , used in manufacturing of aircraft parts. Chromite is the only ore of

chromium, a metal essential for making stainless steel, nichrome, chrome plating, pigments, refractories, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. These hidden treasures are part of barren Baluchistan. There we visited a museum narrating the story of Baluchistan's leaders struggle and support for Pakistan movement. The pictures showed letters of khan of Qalat, Qazi Essa and Quaid I Azam's visit to Quetta and meeting with Baluch leaders. The Hindu Bagh now names Muslim Bagh . The ruins of old railway station showed some signs.

Later on we drove to Quetta , the road conditions were far better. After arrival we had some rest and got ready in the evening for a dinner. 

Sept 8

We started in the morning On way to Chaman Sheela Bagh , Khojak tunnel . It's a marvel of engineering build in 1889 . A story about the tunnel is kind of folk lore. " A  Hindu dancer by the name of Shila would perform in front of workers ,the money collected by her was taken by then government . The exciting and awesome trolley ride inside the tunnel for four kilometers outside 4 km total 8km was some thing unbelievable a life time experience. I even couldn't visualize that scary ride with out seat-belts and any precautions, it turned out to be marvelous. 

This place is Situated about 120 km from Quetta towards Afghan border, the famous 2,290-metre high Khojak pass of Toba Kakar Mountain, which has been crossed for centuries by soldiers, merchants and conquerors, is now a pleasure to drive. It can be crossed in half an hour, thanks to the good road. The famous Khojak tunnel of about 4 km length is yet another marvel, constructed in 1889 with famous shela Bagh Station nearby, it gained fame when it was printed on 5 rupee note. At the time of its construction, it was the lengthiest rail tunnel in Asia.

To pak afghan border at Chaman  and Spin Boldac Afghanistan, watched all the movement on both sides of border. The gate of friendship has some unfriendly gestures of firings at times. The division of border is interesting from house to house. 

- pishin sprawling lawns and trees in rest house.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Trip to Madina, Hajj2009

 Hajj 2009 Trip to Madinah (notes from diary)

Trip to Madina Nov 18 ,2009


Abida Rahmani 

When we arrived at Jeddah airport from Makkah , it was scheduled that we will leave for Madina shortly. Our organizers decided to take us there by air and not by bus.

At the airport we learned that the flight is delayed. It kept on delaying for the whole night. Some technical problem was the cause and there was a total chaos and mismanagement in the hajj terminal.

Leaving for Jeddah through bus from Makkah is another story. Due to some restrictions from Saudi government we had to join another group from USA. That was so chaotic and disgusting crossing over the heads of prostrating people in the areas around haram sharif for Asr . That I could not stepped forward and was left behind. Alhamdolillah they waited for me and we joined that group in the luxury coach.Talked to some of them, they had better arrangements than us .

All of us were sitting all around at the terminal. Saudi Airlines served us with dinner. I put my bag under the head and lied down on the path. In the morning luckily we got boarded on a 747 jumbo jet which accommodated almost all the stranded passengers. To get on the plan in the line a group from Senegal tried to push us back & a brawl erupted. I talked to them, some of them a bit sane and understood. "We are here just to please Allah ( swt) . Are we pleasing him this way"?actually it is a norm of pushing and overpowering people. They very well know that they are physically strong and that is so sad & disgusting.

Alhamdolillah Allah give me the chance to come to Madinah again. We were taken to Hotel Golden Mubarak. The same hotel where I stayed with Asim last time.

We were impatient to reach masjid- an-nabwi(saws). Arriving to Madina and spent time here is not a part of the hajj. That is just out of respect and love for the prophet (saws).

The sight of erected umbrellas around masjid is just amazing. They are spread out in a lotus shape all around the outside of masjid at day time. In the evening they are wrapped up in the shape of a pillar with lights on the sides. Such a marvel of engineering & technology. Some of those broken were standing like aliens in a star war movie. Hope they get repaired soon.

Masjid-i- Nabwi is more strict & organized . May be that it is not that much crowded like Haram.

We were eager for salaam at Roza-e-Mubarak (SAWS). That is just restricted to parts of riadul jannah. ( It means the garden of paradise) . The prophet ( SAWS) said,"there is a garden of paradise between my house and masjid." This area is called Riadul Jannah.

When I performed my first hajj women were allowed in front of the grave of Prophet(SAW). But later on it got stopped.Now the time for women entering Riadul Jannah which is close to the grave but not visible, after Fajar, Dhuhur and Isha.

When we went after fajar , it was a kind of stampede inside. The crowd was uncontrollable. I raised my voice to handle them but no one listened. A lady shouted," write in the newspaper how Saudi government treat women."She may be right, if the women were allowed normally then the scene would be different because the area is opened for a short period of time. A lady in our group told us that after isha the time is longer. Therefore next time we went after Isha and joined the Urdu speaking group. The mutawwa ladies gave us lecture about hajj , its rituals but the ladies were getting impatient and all of a sudden they started running and did not listen to her. This time we had plenty of time to pray in Riadul Jannah which is decorated with green carpets.

Madinah is a bustling city with lots of shopping centers and it is generally said that the prices are reasonable here. In our spare time we did some shopping. There were vendors all around selling different stuff. After our prayers we spared some time for arranging food and do some shopping for the loved ones behind and some of our own things. We all had cell phones . Actually I bought for myself from there. Made in china has flooded the market. The prices of gold was really high, still Sadia & Zubair got bangles for Seerat.

We did laundry and filled up the whole bathroom with washed clothes.

Anyway, we having a wonderful & memorable time alhamdolillah.

Our group went to Ziaraat by bus to Majis Quba,( the first masjid of Islam) Qiblatain( where the order to face Kabaa as Qibla was revealed to Prohet saws),Uhad and Khandaq area. I have been there few times earlier. This time our scholar was Abdul Hakim Green from UK ( a white convert) and he was very specific about what to do and what not to do according to sunnah of prophet saws. he asked us that it is not a requirement to offer nawafil at masjid qiblatain. We did it as a respect for masjid.

On our 5th day we were supposed to leave for Makaah by bus for Hajj. Every where one could see the buses full of departing Hajis. The wait for bus took us the whole day. Madina was getting empty. Our hotel allowed us to stay for another night. Our trip back to Makaah was uneventful .

We arrived at a good speed at Azizia. There we stayed in a building .Ladies on one side, gents on the other. It was quite far from haram. next day we hired a taxi for haram but on our return we were charged a lot. Taxis had a hay day. We spend the whole day at Haram sharif offered an Umra , did our salaahs . Makaah and surroundings were bustling with hajis.

On 8th of Zilhajj we were leaving for Mina to perform Hajj.

Hajj 2009

Nov 25th 8th Zilhajj

We arrived at Mina from Azizia (Mecca) today. Found it too much changed than the hajj that we performed in 1983. Lots of improvements have been done here.Tent is big enough to accommodate all three groups of us. Ladies in one tent and gents in the other one. We arrived here by bus after 12pm. The sky in Mecca was over cast since morning a significant scene to watch.(After arrival in Mecca Namaz-i- istisqa was offered in Haram because of drought situation).Therefore every one was waiting for rain.It was a big thunderstorm and rained heavily after it. Our tent was leaking a bit from corners. We turned our umbrellas upside down to prevent leakage and put the empty blankets plastic bags to save our beds. The streets of Mina flooded in a while. It is a common concept that if it rained on hajis, their hajj is accepted. May it be like this Allah is the most merciful. It rained for at least 3-4 hours with light drizzle for the whole day.

To watch the tented city was an amazing & amusing sight. The arrangement inside were fantastic and luxurious. Thick foam mattresses which could be folded in a couch seat, brand new blankets and brand new pillows and sheets. Tent had a special air conditioning system and these tents are fireproof. The food was quite festive with lots of dishes of Arabic and Mediterranean cuisine.

Wondered if our organizers had provided us a part of this during our earlier stay, when we ran after arranging our food and meals. In fact the arrangements in Mina were a lot better than my expectations. Over all the arrangements were lot more better than 26 years earlier. Mina had paved streets in the middle of tents. Bathrooms had shower facilities too over the commodes. Which some of the ladies resisted earlier but ultimately had the shower. There is no proper sewerage system, all the toilets are set up on an open drain, that is why one can smell a lot of stink . Every toilet had a water pipe or hose. However some of the toilets got messed up soon and the back up cleaning system was a total failure. There were clear signs for men & Women but still the people did not follow.

A bazaar was set up on the side of the main road and lot of vendors selling off nice stuff.

Our region of tents were assigned to Hajjis from North America, Europe, Australia and Turkey. In other words those were hajjis of the developed world. There was a mic connection to our tent from men's tent and we could listen to all the announcements, tazkirs and prayed together.

For food mostly the ladies first was the motto. Me, Kalsoom and Sadia were side by side. Soon we got befriended to our tent mates, some of whom we knew from earlier.

Nov 26th 9th Zilhajj Yaumi Arafaa

It is the day of Arafat the main pillar of Hajj and we have to leave for Arafaat as soon as possible. It was 9 am that we proceeded through big buses for Arafaat, Saudi Government has restricted movement through big buses and the roads are wide open, Therefore it was a good flow of traffic and did not notice any traffic jam. We took our lunch boxes along, which more of snacks mostly white creamy sweat stuff. The carpets in the tents were a bit wet with yesterday rains. Every where hajis could be seen reciting talbiyah Labaika Allahumma Labaik Labiaka la sharika laka labaik innal hamda wa naimata laka wal mulk la sharika lak ( O Allah I am present at your service and there is no one equal you, all the praise and glory is for you, you are the king and there is no one equal you) The media and surveillance helicopters were howling over head. We were given nice polao in lunch.

We prayed and prayed to Allah (swt) for our forgiveness, forgiveness of our departed loved ones and my intention of doing this hajj for my beloved son. Begged for his mercy and blessings for my self, for the departed loved ones , for whole umma and especially for my kids, grand kids, brothers, sister & all the gracious people who did Ehsaan with me.Prayed while standing in the later day. Most of us went out and prayed ,cried and begged to Allah(swt) for his mercy ,blessings ,forgiveness and for the strength of Umma . Here I could see a sea of Muslims all around. Men in white ahraams ,ladies in different colors. "O Allah we are so many in numbers but we do not have any weight any strength, any power. Give us strength give us supremacy, grant us with wisdom and good judgment." Ameen

The pathetic part is that we all are God fearing, God loving people but extremely disorganized and undisciplined. By the end of the day the whole area was just littered up with garbage, water gushing from broken pipes in the toilets which were unbearable. O Allah give them strength ,unity and discipline.Although the conditions are a lot more better than 26 years back but still more improvement is required.


At 9pm we started for Muzdalifa and I was again back on my memory lane of the last hajj, when it took us almost 5 hours to reach there by 24 seater coaster. It was so suffocating with running engines and traffic jam that I cried a lot like a small kid and Ahad (my Late husband)was comforting me.It was the toughest time in that hajj. But now we reached so quickly . The whole area was fully bright and well lit like day. Whole of the big ground covered with hajis, we were supposed to find our place in between. We had only our valuables and sleeping bags.

Following the sunnah of Prophet (SAWS) there was one azaan and two aqamaaz for Maghrib and Isha prayers. Which were Qasr( shortened prayers).we spread out sleeping bags and tried to sleep which was extremely difficult. It was like if we were fixed in a match box, just neck to feet with each other. All the hajis were sleeping like this with so much humility on this hard ground just for the pleasure of Allah( SWT) to be successful; in the eternal life to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam. Hajj is a tradition of Ibrahim(AS) followed by Mohammad (SAWS) and obligatory for those Muslims who can afford. Our muallim sheikh Abu Abdussalaam described Muzdalifa as a thousand star hotel, which is absolutely correct.I was trying to avoid the feet of the men sleeping to my head side.

I tried to sleep which was extremely difficult, the lady next to me was snoring a lot.Despite that slept for a couple of hours. At 2:15 am got up and went to toilet. It was absolutely busy and a very long line,It almost took one hour .Did tahjjud and then fajr did some tilawat and talbiya and started waiting for bus to come back to Mina. Got the bus at 8:30 am and arrived back at Mina to our tent which was like coming back home. While leaving Muzdalifa the whole ground was littered with sleeping bags, mats , pillows and carpets. A lot of needy people were collecting those. We brought our ones back.

Nov27th 10th Zilhajj Eid day

After getting back , had a bath and changed, now we were out of Ihraam and most of the restrictions were gone. It was announced that our sacrifices have been done. We greeted each other Eid- Mubarak. the ladies got busy in threading, nail cutting and make ups.Received calls from Farooqs, Khalids, Nasirs, Asim & Amir Alhamdolillah. It rained again today. Then we started to leave for jamaraat. I put on my joggers, it was a long walk but thoroughly enjoyable. The way to Jamarrat is specially designed ,what an amazing rout and complex!! Saudi Govt has spend a lot of money and expertise in designing this complex. We went through three big tunnels equipped with big blowers , lots of plastic bottles sucked up to it.

The flow of people was like a flooding sea on wide roads reciting Talbiyah and getting to encounter the symbols of shaitan. That Shaitan who came in the way of Ibrahim (AS) to stop him from sacrificing his son Ismail by the orders of Allah(swT). Ibrahim threw pebbles on Shaitan while proceeding on his way. His act was so much appreciated by almighty that he made it a ritual of Hajj till the day of judgment. I was over whelmed with this gigantic flow of hajis. They were of different colors, creeds and nationalities. Most of the groups were greatly organized and distinguished with their coats, hats ,ribbons .caps,shoes, trousers, skirts,scarfs etc.

Most of those were Malaysians ,Indonesians, Chinese, Turkish and from other countries.

During my last hajj we were not allowed to go for Rami because of the great rush and accidents . We were asked to give our stones or pebbles to our Mehrams. Therefore no one in ladies from our camp went. I was sick too down with flue and it was always on my mind because some of the scholars in Pakistan said that it is a compulsory act. When Ahad, Jamshed bhai and Nadeem got back from Rami there feet were badly hurt and chappals missing. This time we were wearing our regular shoes or joggers because the sheikh told us that women can wear any type of shoes and the men wore strong sandals too .The men were not out of Ihraam as yet because they had to shave.I was greatly excited this time and thanked Allah for granting me this opportunity again.

This was a huge complex, Jamarrat were erected as in the shape of wide pillars going through

many stories and all the precautions were taken to avoid accidents. It was a very smooth flow. Hajis coming in groups and moving towards other Jamra. The pebbles we collected from Muzdalifa in the size of a chick pea and we were supposed to throw seven on each jamrah saying bismillahi Allahu akbar. After completing this ritual we were on our way back and stopped under a bridge on the road. There men went for shaving their heads or haircut, we did a little bit with our scissors and each other's help.

Many hajis had spread out their mats, sitting and sipping tea. We accommodate ourselves with them, later on we offered maghrib prayers .Saw a few Pakistanis from Punjab looking for some lost relatives. We tried to help them out. On our way to Jamaraat we recited Talbiyah, now on our way back we have to recite Takbeer. All the intention for glorifying the greatness of Allah(swt). We did the same on 11th Zilhajj. Some of our people went on their own to do Tawafi- Ziarat which is like an Umra doing Tawaf and Sae in Haram. This is the end part of Hajj. For the rest of us the Sheikh assured us that we can do it later without any penalty. This Tawaf is a must for a married couple, with out that they can not relate to each other physically.

Nov 29th 12th zilhaj

Today we again went for Rammi, this time our sheikh guided us all the way up on escalators. I've gone up and down long escalators in different amusement parks and buildings but this was a unique experience. Going all the way up to hit Shaitan. we went through 4 sets of high escalators. After hitting shaitan we went all around the roof to have a glimpse of Mina the tented city for Hajis. There were a series of tents up in the hills and those were VIP tents.

Nov30th 13th Zilhajj

Today we were leaving Mina and after Rammi were heading to Haram for tawafi ziarat and then to Azizia. We did our packing, rolled up our blankets, sheets and pillows and started waiting for bus. This was the last day for all hajis at Mina. We had to take a long way for bus. The streets were just littered with all kind of garbage, a lot of food stuff was thrown out too.

We did rammi and came back to bus which dropped us at the inside door of haram. It wasMaghrib time, offered prayers on stairs and then went for Tawaf . Some of it did upstairs on the top floor, then on the second floor . After doing Saee went in search of food to Burjul Bait where we were supposed to meet other companions and then ride in bus.

Zubair wanted to eat in Hardies an American franchise. It was nice burger and because it was Halaal. We had some tea and roamed in the area. An upscale mall and food court of course.

Around 12:30 am we sat on the bus and came back to Azizia.

Alhamdolillah our Hajj was over and in a couple of days we were leaving for Toronto.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Karachi Trip

 Arrived at Karachi. First took off the coat then socks then sweater and now put on a light night suit. Still undecided whether to turn on the fan. 🤓🤓😎 I’m at Karachi for the last 5 days having lovely and nostalgic reunions with my extended family, friends and old neighbors. Every moment is precious Alhamdolillah. 

Here we have chaotic traffic, some of the roads turned into muddy pot holes because of the rains and decayed drainage. Yet enjoying the warmth and the sentiments!

پاکستان زندہ باد

عابدہ رحمانی

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Morrocan Trip

We stayed two nights at Fes where we flew from Malaga.  A city with grand Muslim architecture. We stayed at Dar bin Sauda a 17th century mansion turned into a hotel. For the first night I stayed upstairs but climbing the stairs was a daunting task for me. Next night I requested a room down stairs. There was ham-am and Spa , some of the friends enjoyed. Great hospitality but felt the difference of living standards and poverty compared with Spain.
Travelled many areas Molai Idrees, Menkes ,Chefchaouen. Then one night at Rabat and Casablanca!

Monday, June 17, 2024

On way to Chitral

On way to Chitral 

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم 
Abida Rahmani 

It was raining heavily since early morning. The monsoon has erupted. 
Arrived at i-8 market, coaster was there .Some of the group members had arrived and after a wait rest of them were there .We started at 8:30 am. 
The entrance to motorway  peshawar was  badly clogged and the traffic was turning back. There was an accident on the motorway. 
We got back on GT road,had a great informative commentary from Mr. zia. Entered on motorway through Burhan 
It's raining all along!
Today we are going to saidu Sharif Swat there we will be staying at Serena swat. Now entering Swat motorway through Col.Sher Khan Plaza. The gateway to Chitral .
This network of Motorways have upgraded the travel requirements in Pakistan.

Hagia Sophia

*Hagia SOFIA*
Turkey’s conversion of the famous Hagia Sophia from a Museum into a mosque was condemned by CNN, the Pope etc. (Negara islam lain, as usual, diam saja). Yesterday the Turkish Foreign minister showed proof to justify the change to a mosque...

L.Abu Bakr Turkey, wrote :

What attracted my attention most during my research in the case of Aya Sofia is the name of the endowment created by Sultan Muhammad II and recorded and corrected Aya Sofia on his name.

For those who don't know.. Sultan Muhammad II, known as (Muhammad Al-Fateh), was insightful and intelligent to witness history and enemy before the beloved, he made a move that has never been repeated in history.

*So that after opening Constantinople, he offered pastors to buy Aya Sofia's building from his own money, not from the state's money or from the house of Muslim money, and a personal deal that has nothing to do with his job in the state.*

The deal was documented through a purchase and waiver contract, and payment was proven with payment bonds.
Directly, may Allah be pleased with him, established a stand (association) and waived to the association his property and the name of the endowment was tipped.

This is what shook Turkey a few weeks ago to manually review 27 thousand documents, coincidentally found an original title (Tabou) that clearly shows private property ownership.

Thus, landlords applied for absolute free use of the property as their own, and their request was to return the building to a mosque
As they used it since the day they bought it.

But what caught my attention is the name of the endowment created by the Fateh, may Allah be pleased with him and the name (Abu Al-Fath Al-Sultan Muhammad)

In the photo, the purchase contract and the cue that was found recently.

Mosques in Spain have been turned into churches, bars and nightclubs ! (Against the peace treaty).

The Babri Mosque in India turned into a temple of idols !

They want to transform Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem with all its sanctuaries as the capital of the Zionists !

We have not heard a Western or Eastern voice condemning these crimes !

But reverting the Aya Sophia to a mosque exposed the hatred of the mentally eclipsed from the East and the West !!

The Alhambra Palace Mosque in Granada was converted to the Santa Maria cathedral. 

Masjid Qasim Pasha has been changed to Saint Michael cathedral. 

The Jami Masjid of Qurtuba has been converted to a cathedral. 

Masjid Ibn Adees has been changed to the Salvador Cathedral.

Masjidul Murabiteen has been converted to the Khan Khausiyyah church.

Jami Masjid of Seville has been changed to the Church of Marry. 

No one is mourning the diversity and rich Islamic history of mosques-turned-churches in Spain that surveil and monitor Muslim tourists & stop them from praying inside.

Please share the post to silence the mouths claiming to persecute the issue of Christians and their sacred claims that Turkey does not respect the feelings of Christians in the world.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hajj 2009

Hajj 2009 Trip to Madinah (notes from diary)
Trip to Madina Nov 18 ,2009
Abida Rahmani 

When we arrived at Jeddah airport from Makkah , it was scheduled that we will leave for Madina shortly. Our organizers decided to take us there by air and not by bus.
At the airport we learned that the flight is delayed. It kept on delaying for the whole night. Some technical problem was the cause and there was a total chaos and mismanagement in the hajj terminal.
Leaving for Jeddah through bus from Makkah is another story. Due to some restrictions from Saudi government we had to join another group from USA. That was so chaotic and disgusting crossing over the heads of prostrating people in the areas around haram sharif for Asr . That I could not stepped forward and was left behind. Alhamdolillah they waited for me and we joined that group in the luxury coach.Talked to some of them, they had better arrangements than us .

All of us were sitting all around at the terminal. Saudi Airlines served us with dinner. I put my bag under the head and lied down on the path. In the morning luckily we got boarded on a 747 jumbo jet which accommodated almost all the stranded passengers. To get on the plan in the line a group from Senegal tried to push us back & a brawl erupted. I talked to them, some of them a bit sane and understood. "We are here just to please Allah ( swt) . Are we pleasing him this way"?actually it is a norm of pushing and overpowering people. They very well know that they are physically strong and that is so sad & disgusting.
Alhamdolillah Allah give me the chance to come to Madinah again. We were taken to Hotel Golden Mubarak. The same hotel where I stayed with Asim last time.
We were impatient to reach masjid- an-nabwi(saws). Arriving to Madina and spent time here is not a part of the hajj. That is just out of respect and love for the prophet (saws).
The sight of erected umbrellas around masjid is just amazing. They are spread out in a lotus shape all around the outside of masjid at day time. In the evening they are wrapped up in the shape of a pillar with lights on the sides. Such a marvel of engineering & technology. Some of those broken were standing like aliens in a star war movie. Hope they get repaired soon.
Masjid-i- Nabwi is more strict & organized . May be that it is not that much crowded like Haram.
We were eager for salaam at Roza-e-Mubarak (SAWS). That is just restricted to parts of riadul jannah. ( It means the garden of paradise) . The prophet ( SAWS) said,"there is a garden of paradise between my house and masjid." This area is called Riadul Jannah.
When I performed my first hajj women were allowed in front of the grave of Prophet(SAW). But later on it got stopped.Now the time for women entering Riadul Jannah which is close to the grave but not visible, after Fajar, Dhuhur and Isha.
When we went after fajar , it was a kind of stampede inside. The crowd was uncontrollable. I raised my voice to handle them but no one listened. A lady shouted," write in the newspaper how Saudi government treat women."She may be right, if the women were allowed normally then the scene would be different because the area is opened for a short period of time. A lady in our group told us that after isha the time is longer. Therefore next time we went after Isha and joined the Urdu speaking group. The mutawwa ladies gave us lecture about hajj , its rituals but the ladies were getting impatient and all of a sudden they started running and did not listen to her. This time we had plenty of time to pray in Riadul Jannah which is decorated with green carpets.

Madinah is a bustling city with lots of shopping centers and it is generally said that the prices are reasonable here. In our spare time we did some shopping. There were vendors all around selling different stuff. After our prayers we spared some time for arranging food and do some shopping for the loved ones behind and some of our own things. We all had cell phones . Actually I bought for myself from there. Made in china has flooded the market. The prices of gold was really high, still Sadia & Zubair got bangles for Seerat.
We did laundry and filled up the whole bathroom with washed clothes.
Anyway, we having a wonderful & memorable time alhamdolillah.
Our group went to Ziaraat by bus to Majis Quba,( the first masjid of Islam) Qiblatain( where the order to face Kabaa as Qibla was revealed to Prohet saws),Uhad and Khandaq area. I have been there few times earlier. This time our scholar was Abdul Hakim Green from UK ( a white convert) and he was very specific about what to do and what not to do according to sunnah of prophet saws. he asked us that it is not a requirement to offer nawafil at masjid qiblatain. We did it as a respect for masjid.
On our 5th day we were supposed to leave for Makaah by bus for Hajj. Every where one could see the buses full of departing Hajis. The wait for bus took us the whole day. Madina was getting empty. Our hotel allowed us to stay for another night. Our trip back to Makaah was uneventful .
We arrived at a good speed at Azizia. There we stayed in a building .Ladies on one side, gents on the other. It was quite far from haram. next day we hired a taxi for haram but on our return we were charged a lot. Taxis had a hay day. We spend the whole day at Haram sharif offered an Umra , did our salaahs . Makaah and surroundings were bustling with hajis.
On 8th of Zilhajj we were leaving for Mina to perform Hajj.

Hajj 2009
Nov 25th 8th Zilhajj

We arrived at Mina from Azizia (Mecca) today. Found it too much changed than the hajj that we performed in 1983. Lots of improvements have been done here.Tent is big enough to accommodate all three groups of us. Ladies in one tent and gents in the other one. We arrived here by bus after 12pm. The sky in Mecca was over cast since morning a significant scene to watch.(After arrival in Mecca Namaz-i- istisqa was offered in Haram because of drought situation).Therefore every one was waiting for rain.It was a big thunderstorm and rained heavily after it. Our tent was leaking a bit from corners. We turned our umbrellas upside down to prevent leakage and put the empty blankets plastic bags to save our beds. The streets of Mina flooded in a while. It is a common concept that if it rained on hajis, their hajj is accepted. May it be like this Allah is the most merciful. It rained for at least 3-4 hours with light drizzle for the whole day.
To watch the tented city was an amazing & amusing sight. The arrangement inside were fantastic and luxurious. Thick foam mattresses which could be folded in a couch seat, brand new blankets and brand new pillows and sheets. Tent had a special air conditioning system and these tents are fireproof. The food was quite festive with lots of dishes of Arabic and Mediterranean cuisine.
Wondered if our organizers had provided us a part of this during our earlier stay, when we ran after arranging our food and meals. In fact the arrangements in Mina were a lot better than my expectations. Over all the arrangements were lot more better than 26 years earlier. Mina had paved streets in the middle of tents. Bathrooms had shower facilities too over the commodes. Which some of the ladies resisted earlier but ultimately had the shower. There is no proper sewerage system, all the toilets are set up on an open drain, that is why one can smell a lot of stink . Every toilet had a water pipe or hose. However some of the toilets got messed up soon and the back up cleaning system was a total failure. There were clear signs for men & Women but still the people did not follow.

A bazaar was set up on the side of the main road and lot of vendors selling off nice stuff.
Our region of tents were assigned to Hajjis from North America, Europe, Australia and Turkey. In other words those were hajjis of the developed world. There was a mic connection to our tent from men's tent and we could listen to all the announcements, tazkirs and prayed together.
For food mostly the ladies first was the motto. Me, Kalsoom and Sadia were side by side. Soon we got befriended to our tent mates, some of whom we knew from earlier.

Nov 26th 9th Zilhajj Yaumi Arafaa

It is the day of Arafat the main pillar of Hajj and we have to leave for Arafaat as soon as possible. It was 9 am that we proceeded through big buses for Arafaat, Saudi Government has restricted movement through big buses and the roads are wide open, Therefore it was a good flow of traffic and did not notice any traffic jam. We took our lunch boxes along, which more of snacks mostly white creamy sweat stuff. The carpets in the tents were a bit wet with yesterday rains. Every where hajis could be seen reciting talbiyah Labaika Allahumma Labaik Labiaka la sharika laka labaik innal hamda wa naimata laka wal mulk la sharika lak ( O Allah I am present at your service and there is no one equal you, all the praise and glory is for you, you are the king and there is no one equal you) The media and surveillance helicopters were howling over head. We were given nice polao in lunch.
We prayed and prayed to Allah (swt) for our forgiveness, forgiveness of our departed loved ones and my intention of doing this hajj for my beloved son. Begged for his mercy and blessings for my self, for the departed loved ones , for whole umma and especially for my kids, grand kids, brothers, sister & all the gracious people who did Ehsaan with me.Prayed while standing in the later day. Most of us went out and prayed ,cried and begged to Allah(swt) for his mercy ,blessings ,forgiveness and for the strength of Umma . Here I could see a sea of Muslims all around. Men in white ahraams ,ladies in different colors. "O Allah we are so many in numbers but we do not have any weight any strength, any power. Give us strength give us supremacy, grant us with wisdom and good judgment." Ameen

The pathetic part is that we all are God fearing, God loving people but extremely disorganized and undisciplined. By the end of the day the whole area was just littered up with garbage, water gushing from broken pipes in the toilets which were unbearable. O Allah give them strength ,unity and discipline.Although the conditions are a lot more better than 26 years back but still more improvement is required.
At 9pm we started for Muzdalifa and I was again back on my memory lane of the last hajj, when it took us almost 5 hours to reach there by 24 seater coaster. It was so suffocating with running engines and traffic jam that I cried a lot like a small kid and Ahad (my Late husband)was comforting me.It was the toughest time in that hajj. But now we reached so quickly . The whole area was fully bright and well lit like day. Whole of the big ground covered with hajis, we were supposed to find our place in between. We had only our valuables and sleeping bags.

Following the sunnah of Prophet (SAWS) there was one azaan and two aqamaaz for Maghrib and Isha prayers. Which were Qasr( shortened prayers).we spread out sleeping bags and tried to sleep which was extremely difficult. It was like if we were fixed in a match box, just neck to feet with each other. All the hajis were sleeping like this with so much humility on this hard ground just for the pleasure of Allah( SWT) to be successful; in the eternal life to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam. Hajj is a tradition of Ibrahim(AS) followed by Mohammad (SAWS) and obligatory for those Muslims who can afford. Our muallim sheikh Abu Abdussalaam described Muzdalifa as a thousand star hotel, which is absolutely correct.I was trying to avoid the feet of the men sleeping to my head side.
I tried to sleep which was extremely difficult, the lady next to me was snoring a lot.Despite that slept for a couple of hours. At 2:15 am got up and went to toilet. It was absolutely busy and a very long line,It almost took one hour .Did tahjjud and then fajr did some tilawat and talbiya and started waiting for bus to come back to Mina. Got the bus at 8:30 am and arrived back at Mina to our tent which was like coming back home. While leaving Muzdalifa the whole ground was littered with sleeping bags, mats , pillows and carpets. A lot of needy people were collecting those. We brought our ones back.
Nov27th 10th Zilhajj Eid day

After getting back , had a bath and changed, now we were out of Ihraam and most of the restrictions were gone. It was announced that our sacrifices have been done. We greeted each other Eid- Mubarak. the ladies got busy in threading, nail cutting and make ups.Received calls from Farooqs, Khalids, Nasirs, Asim & Amir Alhamdolillah. It rained again today. Then we started to leave for jamaraat. I put on my joggers, it was a long walk but thoroughly enjoyable. The way to Jamarrat is specially designed ,what an amazing rout and complex!! Saudi Govt has spend a lot of money and expertise in designing this complex. We went through three big tunnels equipped with big blowers , lots of plastic bottles sucked up to it.
The flow of people was like a flooding sea on wide roads reciting Talbiyah and getting to encounter the symbols of shaitan. That Shaitan who came in the way of Ibrahim (AS) to stop him from sacrificing his son Ismail by the orders of Allah(swT). Ibrahim threw pebbles on Shaitan while proceeding on his way. His act was so much appreciated by almighty that he made it a ritual of Hajj till the day of judgment. I was over whelmed with this gigantic flow of hajis. They were of different colors, creeds and nationalities. Most of the groups were greatly organized and distinguished with their coats, hats ,ribbons .caps,shoes, trousers, skirts,scarfs etc.
Most of those were Malaysians ,Indonesians, Chinese, Turkish and from other countries.

During my last hajj we were not allowed to go for Rami because of the great rush and accidents . We were asked to give our stones or pebbles to our Mehrams. Therefore no one in ladies from our camp went. I was sick too down with flue and it was always on my mind because some of the scholars in Pakistan said that it is a compulsory act. When Ahad, Jamshed bhai and Nadeem got back from Rami there feet were badly hurt and chappals missing. This time we were wearing our regular shoes or joggers because the sheikh told us that women can wear any type of shoes and the men wore strong sandals too .The men were not out of Ihraam as yet because they had to shave.I was greatly excited this time and thanked Allah for granting me this opportunity again.
This was a huge complex, Jamarrat were erected as in the shape of wide pillars going through
many stories and all the precautions were taken to avoid accidents. It was a very smooth flow. Hajis coming in groups and moving towards other Jamra. The pebbles we collected from Muzdalifa in the size of a chick pea and we were supposed to throw seven on each jamrah saying bismillahi Allahu akbar. After completing this ritual we were on our way back and stopped under a bridge on the road. There men went for shaving their heads or haircut, we did a little bit with our scissors and each other's help.
Many hajis had spread out their mats, sitting and sipping tea. We accommodate ourselves with them, later on we offered maghrib prayers .Saw a few Pakistanis from Punjab looking for some lost relatives. We tried to help them out. On our way to Jamaraat we recited Talbiyah, now on our way back we have to recite Takbeer. All the intention for glorifying the greatness of Allah(swt). We did the same on 11th Zilhajj. Some of our people went on their own to do Tawafi- Ziarat which is like an Umra doing Tawaf and Sae in Haram. This is the end part of Hajj. For the rest of us the Sheikh assured us that we can do it later without any penalty. This Tawaf is a must for a married couple, with out that they can not relate to each other physically.
Nov 29th 12th zilhaj
Today we again went for Rammi, this time our sheikh guided us all the way up on escalators. I've gone up and down long escalators in different amusement parks and buildings but this was a unique experience. Going all the way up to hit Shaitan. we went through 4 sets of high escalators. After hitting shaitan we went all around the roof to have a glimpse of Mina the tented city for Hajis. There were a series of tents up in the hills and those were VIP tents.
Nov30th 13th Zilhajj
Today we were leaving Mina and after Rammi were heading to Haram for tawafi ziarat and then to Azizia. We did our packing, rolled up our blankets, sheets and pillows and started waiting for bus. This was the last day for all hajis at Mina. We had to take a long way for bus. The streets were just littered with all kind of garbage, a lot of food stuff was thrown out too.
We did rammi and came back to bus which dropped us at the inside door of haram. It wasMaghrib time, offered prayers on stairs and then went for Tawaf . Some of it did upstairs on the top floor, then on the second floor . After doing Saee went in search of food to Burjul Bait where we were supposed to meet other companions and then ride in bus.
Zubair wanted to eat in Hardies an American franchise. It was nice burger and because it was Halaal. We had some tea and roamed in the area. An upscale mall and food court of course.
Around 12:30 am we sat on the bus and came back to Azizia.
Alhamdolillah our Hajj was over and in a couple of days we were leaving for Toronto.