Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Regulus Ranch Date Farm Thermal, Coachella County California

Tour to Dates Farm:
Regulus Ranch Date Farm, Thermal 
Coachella County, California:
On October 18th Rafat has already planned and booked for me a trip to Dates farm . The bus departed from near by Corona Masjid at 9:30 am. We were 60 people riding in this air condition Coach and the tour seemed well organized with lunch packages and water. Had a lot of Chit Chat on our way with songs and dua at the end.
It was a Sizzling hot day with almost 40c when we arrived at the farm. The owner lady showed us Mejdool and Barhi variety of dates she had cultivated. It was a huge farm of 20 acres with all farming facilities, staff, sorting and selling points and a small pond that pleased the eyes in this hot, desert area. She has opened few bunches and asked us to eat as much as we can. After consuming a lot of raw and ripe dates in this hot weather, felt a bit dizzy and came back to the bus. Overall it was a great experience to have these moist and big sized dates.

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