Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tusqit tusqit hukmul Askar! Down with military regime".

Tusqit tusqit hukmul Askar!
Down with military regime".
Down with military coup!
Military coup no no.
Massacre here massacre there, massacre every where!

Abida Rahmani
These were the slogans that we chanted  on our way to Ottawa from MISSISSAUGA in our coach to protest  at parliament hill in solidarity with Suppressed Egyptian people. 
We were with a big group of Egyptian Canadians going there to show our solidarity to the suppressed brutally massacred Egyptian people. The sign of fours fingers raised is now a sign of resilience ,V for victory of Dunia and victory of Aakhira .the sign  for rabaa aldaulia, where the Egyptian military massacred thousands of unarmed protesters , including men, women and children.
The song of Inqilab Inqilab was played  on our way ,is sung by a singer who is now a shaheed, killed by Sisi forces.
There were horrific tales by those men, women , boys and girls who were present there,watchedAnd experienced Rabba massacre by their own eyes.

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