Long time ago I worked as a sales associate in Fabric Land Oakville for some time. At the time of Salaat , I would quietly go to the staff room and do my Fard.
Our manager was a Palestinian Muslim and she turned out to be my worst critic. She warned me that I can’t do this leaving the floor and should do Qaza as she does. I told her that I’m quite watchful about the customers.
Anyway then came Ramadan and we used to do iftaar on the same table but she wouldn’t pray while I’ll hurriedly pray Fard.
وہ شاہ سے بڑھ کر شاہ کی وفادار تھی ۔۔
At that time there was CAIR Canada, I sent an email to them about this situation and they responded that I have every right to be accommodated for my prayers. When I told her about this, she got flabbergasted and warned me about my job.
( In fact I was doing this job just for fun and to be preoccupied).
After some time with all her loyalty, the assistant manager replaced her and she was forced to leave the job.
She was bitterly crying, I hugged and consoled her and she then told me that she is taking care of her family here and some in Palestine . “ I’m totally pissed off today.”She sobbed.
نہ خدا ہی ملا ، نہ وصال صنم