Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Traveling with PIA

Traveling with PIA

Abida Rahmani

Right now I am on board of my flight from Islamabad to Toronto . This is the prized flight of PIA , while all the USA segments are closed and some problems with UK and other European countries. Some closures are because of Covid.

PIA or Pakistan international airline is national flight carrier of Pakistan. However it has lost its glamour due to politics , over employment, nepotism and mismanagement.

The motto used for PIA was ," Great people to fly with" is now dissolved in thin air.

A large scandal erupted of unqualified pilots after the recent unfortunate Karachi crash.

The non stop flights to and forth from Toronto are a great blessings for us Pakistanis and we all look forward to travel on it. Even the Pakistanis from adjoining cities of USA take advantage of this facility.

The hospitality standards are good as I'm in executive economy however there's no entertainment system not even an audio   System for the last five years. So one has to relax in a quiet serene environment, enjoying your own gadgets.

Today I was told that the front washroom is out of order . The comfy seat I'm on had no feet support therefore I changed it . The seats give you a worn out look.

The famous PIA magazine Humsafar is no more , not even the comments card is available.

Grateful to Almighty and the pilots for a safe travel.

I earnestly Appeal to the present government to look into PIA's matters seriously, acquire new airplanes with upgrades and capture the loosing market of airline industry.

Wish you all the best PIA and Pakistan.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Dressed up as Marie ontanio

 These are real women, dressed up as Marie Antonio in 18th century costumes and getups for a wedding.They later on sat on our next table for the dinner.