Tuesday, September 19, 2017


🌈  *S U G A R  I S* 
         *P O I S O N*

🌈1. First factory to manufacture sugar was established by the British in 1866.

🌈2. Indians used to eat jaggery before this and seldom used to fall sick.

🌈3. To make sugar, sulphur is used, which is used in making fire crackers.
Sulphur is an element that, once it enters the body, it cannot be excreted from our body.

🌈4. Sugar increases cholesterol which is the main reason for heart attack.Sugar increases the weight of the body and thus we become fat.

🌈5. Sugar increases Blood Pressure. It is also the reason for Brain damaging clots.

🌈6. The sweetness in sugar is that of Sucrose, and this cannot be digested by human beings.

🌈7. To make sugar,
23 harmful ingredients / chemicals are used.

✔ Sugar is one of main reasons for getting diabetes.

✔ Sugar is the reason for burning in stomach.

✔ Sugar increases the level of Triglycerides in body.

✔ Sugar is the main reason for causing Paralysis.

✔ Instead of sugar use jaggery.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Let's sacrifice


Let's sacrifice🔪 on this
eid ul adha not just animals. 🐑🐏

:Let's sacrifice our ego, which stops us from doing so many good things. Which stops us from forgiving so many people,which stops us from looking at our own self.

:Let's sacrifice our pride which makes us look down on others .

:Let's sacrifice our greed for material things or called
TALAB E DUNYA ,which makes us collect more n more of everything. Which puts us on a path of never ending greed for more of everything of this immoral world.

:Let's sacrifice our anger 😡which makes us break beautiful relationships✨

:Let's sacrifice  Our grudges😡 that we hold in our hearts💜 against others.

:let's Sacrifice all our pessimism all our negativity.

:Let's sacrifice the ANTS (automatic negative thoughts)running in our heads full time non stop,

:Let's sacrifice our material gains to earn the spiritual gains.

:Let's Sacrifice our nafs

:Lets share and distribute among others

:Our love for loved ones💖 n strangers,

:Our care for those ESP who we might never meet again in life😪

:Our affection for everyone💕💕

:Our time share it with everyone ESP the elders,

;Our treasures ,our blessings which multiply when shared.

:Let's add more sacrifices 🐑🐏on this eid ul azha...

:Let's sharpen the knife 🔪of our faith ,and sacrifice all the bad we have inside of us.

:Let's bow our heads with sincere Repentance and remorse...
Only to share and distribute
All the goodness we have inside of us.🌷

:Let's follow the true
sunnat e ibrahimi..🌿

:Let's sacrifice our most loved possessions
Which is the real spirit behind qurbani ,