Wednesday, January 25, 2017

دہشت گرد


دہشت گرد


فسانہ یا حقیقت

کئی روز ناساز رہنے کے بعدآج اس کی طبیعت کافی بہتر محسوس ہو رہی تھی ۔ جسم میں جیسے قدرےطاقت آگئی ہو ورنہ تو جوڑ جوڑ میں دکھن تھی۔اسکابہت جی چاہا کہ باہر نکل کر چہل قدمی کی جائے ۔۔یوں بھی یہ اسکی ایک عادت ثانیہ ،ایک معمول تھا۔کام کاج تو کوئی خاص تھا ہی نہیں ، ۔۔اسے وہ وقت بری طرح یاد آتا تھا جب فرصت کے چند لمحات کو ترس جاتی تھی اور اب اسکا جی چاہتا ہے کاش کوئی مصروفیت ہوتی۔اسنے جوگرز پہنے ، ہلکی جیکٹ پہنی،فون جیب میں ڈالا،سر پر ہیٹ پہنا اور روانہ ہوئی ۔۔چلتے چلتے وہ تمام وقت تلاوت کرتی رہتی یا پھر اپنے فون سے ائر پلگ لگا کر تلاوت سنتی ۔۔اللہ سے تعلق جوڑ کر اسے یک گونہ سکون اور اطمینان ہوتا۔۔

دور سے رابرٹ اپنے دو خونخوار قسم کے کتوں سمیت نظر أیا اسنے گرم جوشی سے ہاتھ ہلایا اور قریب أکر اسکی خیریت دریافت کی ۔۔اسنے اپنی بیماری کی کچھ تفصیلات بتائیں۔۔ پہلے پہل جب وہ ملتا تو وہ اسکو ہیلو کہتا اور یہ ہائے کہہ دیتی۔۔یہاں پر ذرا غیر ملکی نظر أنیوالوں کو ہیلو کہا جاتا ہے ورنہ تو ہائے ،ہائے اور بائے بائے چلتا ہے ۔۔ایک روز تو وہ سپینش زبان میں شروع ہوا تو اسے اندازہ ہوا کہ وہ اسے لاطینی سمجھتا ہے۔۔ لیکن جب ایک روز وہ شلوار قمیض پہنے نکلی تو اسنے قریب أکر کہا " نمسٹے" وہ مسکرائی پھر ایک روز جب اسنے کہا " ہیپی ڈیوالی " تو اس سے برداشت نہیں ہوا اور اسنے سارا پول کھول دیا ۔۔ اب تو وہ اچھی طرح جان چکا تھا کہ وہ پاکستانی ہے اور مسلمان ہے۔۔ وہ اس سے اکثر پاکستان یا مسلمانوں کے بارے میں ذکر کرتااور وہاں کے حالات پر گفتگو کرتا ۔۔أئے دن خبروں مین ایک سے ایک اندوہناک قصےأ ٓرہے ہوتےاور وہ اسے یقین دلانے کی کوشش کرتی کہ ہم تو انتہائی مہذب اور امن پسند ہیں۔امن وامان ، چین اور سکون کے متلاشی ہیں  ۔۔ حقیقت بھی یہی تھی اسی امن، سکون اور چین کی خاطر تو سات سمندرپار اس انجانے ملک میں آبسےتھے۔۔ملک تو خیر ایسا تھا کہ ہر کوئی بسنے کے خواب دیکھتا۔۔لیکن وہ تو کتنے انقلابات سے گزر کر یہاں تک پہنچی تھی۔۔ 

 گھر کے چند افراد کے علاوہ اس شہر میں اسکا کسی سے کوئی تعلق نہیں تھا اور وہ رکھنا بھی نہیں چاہتی تھی دوچار جاننے والوں سے فون اور ای میل کے ذریعے دعا سلام ہو جاتی تھی۔ اسی چہل قدمی کے بہانے کچھ حرکت ہوجاتی۔ورزش کی ورزش ،تازہ ہوا اور موسم خوشگوار ہو تو یہ چہل قدمی کافی پر لطف ہوجاتی ۔۔دو چار لوگوں سے ہیلو ہائے بھی ہو جاتی کچھ لوگ چلتے پھرتے نظر آتے ورنہ یہاں کی بے کیف ،تنہااور گوشہ نشین زندگی سے وہ اکثر بیزار آجاتی ۔۔


زیادہ طبیعت اکتائی تو فون ملا لئے اپنے دور افتادہ بھائی بہنوں عزیزوں، دوستوں  سے باتیں کرلیں ۔ورنہ کمپیوٹر پر ہی اسکی دنیاأّباد تھی۔ یہ ایجاد اور اسکی سہولتیں اسکے لئے ایک نعمت غیر مترقبہ سےکم نہیں تھی۔۔

ملک بھی تو کیسے چھوٹا تھا ۔عادل کے اس دنیا سے جانے کے بعد وہ ریزہ ریزہ، ہو چکی تھی ساراشیرازہ منتشر ہوکر کرچی کرچی ہوچکا تھا۔ وہ اللہ سے ہر وقت یہی دعا کرتی کہ وہ اسے اپنے بچے سے جلد ملا دے ۔۔ اسے یقین تھا کہ اسکا بچہ شہید ہے جسنے اپنے نا شکرےمہمان پر اپنی جان وار دی تھی اسکا مال اور اسکی جان بچائی۔۔اسکے شہر میں تو یہ قتل و غار گری اور لوٹ مار روز کا معمول تھا پولیس گچھ تفتیش کرتی اورپھر نامعلوم افراد کے خلاف مقدمہ درج ہو جاتا۔۔  ۔۔پھر وہ دعا کرتی یا اللہ مجھے بھی شہادت کی موت عطا کردے تاکہ میں بھی اپنے بچے کے پاس اسکی جنتوں میں چلی جاؤں ۔۔جوانی میں بیوگی کا اتنا بڑا صدمہ  اور دکھ جھیلے اور پھر یہ دکھ اور صدمہ، اللہ تعالی سےوہ ہمہ وقت اب مذید أزمائشوں سے پناہ مانگتی۔۔لیکن یہ اللہ ہی کی ذات تھی جسنے اسکو حالات  سے نبرد أزما ہونے کی ہمت اور حوصلہ دے رکھا تھا  ۔زندگی کے دھارے میں بہتے بہتےاور حالات سے لڑتے لڑتےوہ جیسےپھر سے جی اٹھی۔بڑھاپا بھی أ ٓن پہنچا تھا۔ اپنے سارے معاملات اللہ کے سپرد کردئے ہر سانس کے ساتھ اللہ تعالی کی شکر گزاری تھی۔۔


اسکےبچےپہلے باقاعدگی سےمختلف مواقع اور اجتماعات میں  مسجد جاتے تو اپنے لوگوں سے ملنے کے مواقع میسر آتے۔یہاں کی مساجد ایک طرح سے کمیونٹی سنٹر ہوتے ہیں۔نماز ، عبادت ،تقاریر ملنا ملانا ،گپ شپ اور پھر مختلف تقریبات ،لذت کام و دہن کے مواقع ،عیدین اور دیگر مواقع پر مختلف بازار بھی لگ جاتے اور اپنی دیسی اشیاء خوب بکتیں ۔۔اگر یہ نہ ہو تو اپنے جیسے لوگوں کو دیکھنےاور ملنے کو آدمی بری طرح ترس جائے ۔۔مختلف رنگ و نسل کے مسلمان، اپس کی یگانگت، محبت اور الفت اسکو بہت تسکین دیتی اپنے دین اوراپنے لوگوں سے جڑ کر روحانی تقویت مل جاتی ۔مساجد کے یہ مواقع تو اسکو اپنے ملک میں بھی میسر نہین تھےبچوں کو بھی نیک اور پاکیزہ ماحول میسر تھا۔۔ 

یہاں رفتہ رفتہ جو مسلمان مخالف جذبات نے سر اٹھایا،حالات بدلنے شروع ہوئے تو کمزور قسم کے مسلمانوں نے مساجد سے دوری اختیار کرنی شروع کی وہی اسکے بچوں نے کیا ۔۔انکو اپنی ملازمتوں ،اپنے بال بچوں اور اپنی رہائش کی فکر تھی ۔۔کبھی کبھی تو اسے محسوس ہوتا کہ ایک خوفزدگی کا ماحول ہے۔جابجا حجاب پہننے والی خواتین کو پریشان کیا گیا۔نیویارک میں ایک پاکستانی ٹیکسی ڈرائیور کو گولی مار دی گئی  ۔مساجد پر حملے ہونے لگے کہیں پر سؤر کا سر پھینک دیتے ایک أدھ جگہ أگ لگانے کی کوشش کی گئی توڑ پھوڑ ہوئی، سب سے بڑھ کر میڈیا پر اسلام اور مسلمانوں کے بارے میں ہروقت بحث مباحثے ۔۔ کہا جاتا تھا کہ مساجد جانیوالوں  پر نظر رکھی جارہی ہے انکا ریکارڈ رکھا جا رہا ہے ریپبلکن پارٹی کے امیدوار اور ابلاغ عامہ مسلمانوں کے متعلق ہر وقت زہر اگلتے 

اس بات کاا سے بہت دکھ اور صدمہ تھا۔۔۔

داعش کی بہیمانہ کارروائیوں کی خبریں دہلانے والی تھیں مشرق وسطے تو مدتوں سے خونریزی کا میدان کارزار بنا ہواتھا۔۔ عالمی طاقتوں نے امن عالم کے نام پر اسے اپنا أکھاڑہ بنا رکھا تھا لاکھوں مسلمان ، مخالف مسلمانوں کے ہاتھوں،جنگوں اور بمباریوں سےہلاک ہوئےعراق اور شام کی قتل و غارتگری اور ہلاکت خیزی نے افغانستان، کشمیر ، پاکستان ، برما ، فلپائن اور وہاں کی خونریزیوں کو بھی کہیں پیچھے چھوڑ دیا ۔ ۔۔ القاعدہ کے بعد   داعش  یا  ملت اسلامیہ کا ہوا اور فتنہ  پوری دنیا کو دہلائے جا رہاتھا ۔۔ پیرس میں ۱۵۰ بےگناہوں کا خون بہایا گیا پوری دنیا لرز اٹھی اور داعش کی سر کوبی کیلئے متحد ہوگئی۔۔فرانس ، امریکہ ، روس اور بر طانیہ کی فضائی افواج کی بمباری سے بے شمار بے گناہ مارے جارہے تھے  ۔۔

پیرس کی ہلاکتوں کے بعد رابرٹ کافی اکھڑا اکھڑا ساتھا،"ہم ان لوگوں کو پناہ دیتےہیں اور پھر یہ ہمارے ہی ملکوں میں ہم لوگوں کو مارتےہیں اب پیرس کی ہلاکتوں کا کیا جواز ہے۔۔دہشت ہے دہشت، ان دہشت گردوں کو ہر قیمت پر روکنا ہوگا انکو ختم کرنا ہوگا"

میں بے حد افسردہ ہوں۔کاش کہ ایسا نہ ہوا ہوتامجرموں سے سختی سے نپٹنا چاہئے "وہ بس اتنا ہی بولی ۔ وہ تھک جاتی تو ایک بنچ پر بیٹھ جاتی وہ ادھر ادھر ٹہل ٹہل کر باتیں کرتا رہتا۔۔ دونوں ہی اسوقت غصے اور افسوس میں تھے۔۔ 

حفاظتی اداروں نے تھینکس گیونگ پر حملوں سےمتنبہ کیا تھاشکرہےکہ  خیریت رہی ۔بلیک فرائڈے کی وہی رونقیں ، خریداریاں اور بھیڑبھاڑ۔۔

ہر جگہ کرسمس کی بتیوں کی چکا چوند تھی اسکے محلے کے تقریباً سارے ہی مکان کرسمس لائٹوں سے سج گئے۔ایک انکا گھر ان معدودے چند گھروں میں تھا جسپر بتیاں نہیں تھیں ۔اسنے اپنے بیٹے سے کہا کہ وہ لال پتوں والے دو گملے ہی لاکر باہر دروازے پر رکھ دے اسمیں أ ٓخر کیا برائی ہے ۔۔وہ یوں بھی زیادہ سخت مزاج نہیں تھی۔۔


کولوروڈو اسپرنگ میں خاندانی منصوبہ بندی کے دفتر پر فائرنگ ہوئی ۔۔ تین لوگ ہلاک ہوئے ۔۔ چھ گھنٹے مقابلے کے بعد حملہ أؤر پکڑا کیا اسنے اللہ کا بے حد شکر ادا کیا کہ اسکا مسلمانوں اور داعش وغیرہ سے کوئی تعلق نہیں نکلا ۔۔امریکہ میں جو چاہےمن پسند گن،  بندوق ، پستول خرید سکتا ہے ۔۔ اسلئے اسلحہ کے شائقین کی عیاشی ہے لیکن ساتھ ہی یہاں ہر ایک کے پاس بندوقیں أئے روز کی قتل و غارتگری کا سبب ہیں۔۔

رابرٹ سے اسکے بارے میں باتیں ہوئیں "بندوق ،گنز پر پابندی ہونی چاہئےاگر یہ کھلا اسلحہ نہ ہو تو آئے دن کی یہ فائرنگ اور قتل وغارتگری قابو میں آجائیگی۔امریکہ میں آئے دن اسکولوں ،کالجوں یونیورسٹیوں اور مختلف جگہوں پرفائرنگ ہوجاتی اور کئی ہلاکتیں ہو جاتیں۔"۔رابرٹ مسکرا کر کہنے لگا ،" مجھے تو گنز بہت پسند ہیں اور میں اس تجویز کی  سختی سے مخالفت کرونگا۔ ہمیں اپنی حفاظت کیلئے گنز کی ضرورت ہے" وہ اسے حیرت  اور افسوس سے دیکھنے لگی۔۔

وہ گھوم پھر کر واپس أئی تو ٹی وی پر سی این این  لگایا ۔ سان برنارڈینو میں ذہنی معذورین کے سنٹر پر فائرنگ سے 14 افراد ہلاک اور کئی زخمی ہو چکےتھے۔۔تین حملہ آور فائرنگ کرکے فرار ہوچکے تھے ایک کہرام مچا ہوا تھا۔ہر چینل پر یہی خبر شد ومد کے ساتھ تھی ۔وہ بھونچکا رہ گئی یا اللہ خیر۔کسی مسلمان کی حرکت نہ ہو" اسنے اپنی دوست کی خیریت پوچھنے کے لئےفون کیا جو وہاں قریب ہی رہتی تھی۔۔وہ بھی ٹی وی سے جڑی پریشان بیٹھی تھی۔۔ دو سال پہلے وہ اسکےپاس گئی تھی اور دونوں جب ٹرین میٹرولنک پر لاس اینجلس جاتیں تو سان برنارڈینو کا اسٹیشن فورا ہی أٓجاتا۔۔شام کے ہوتے ہوتے دو قاتلوں کے نام منظر عام پر أئے ۔۔یہ پاکستانی نسل کا شادی شدہ جوڑاتھا۔۔مبینہ قاتل سید فاروق اسی ادارے میں کام کرتا تھا۔۔خبروں کے مطابق وہ وہاں ہونیوالی کرسمس پارٹی میں موجودتھا، اسکی ایک ساتھی کے ساتھ تلخ کلامی ہوئی گھرأ ٓیااپنی بیوی تاشفین ملک کو لیا، چھ ماہ کی بیٹی کو ماں کے پاس چھوڑا یہ کہہ کر کہ ڈاکٹر کے پاس جارہے ہیں ۔جنگجؤں والے کپڑے پہنے اتنے سارے لوگوں کو ہلاک اور زخمی کر کے بھاگ أئے چار گھنٹے کے بعد پولیس نے انکو بے دردی سے قتل کردیا۔۔چشم دید گواہوں کے مطابق دونوں کے ہاتھ پیچھے کی طرف بندھے تھے۔ عورت تاشفین ملک باپردہ عورت تھی لیکن اسوقت وہ مختصر لباس میں تھی۔ میڈیا، پولیس اور ایف بی أئی مجرموں کو کیفر کردار کو پہنچانے پر مطمئن تھی ۔شروع میں تو کہا گیا کہ کسی گروہ سے تعلق نہیں  ہے لیکن بعد میں ریڈیکالئزیشن کی گردان ان کا سب سے بڑا جرم ٹہری ۔۔اسلام پر عمل پیرا ہونا دہشت گردی پر اکساتا ہے ۔۔وہ بری طرح لرز گئی تمام مسلمان ہی دہشت زدہ رہ گئے۔ میڈیا پر تو ایک طوفان ایک ہنگامہ مچا ہوا تھا ۔۔ مسلمان اور پاکستانی اس جوڑے کے کردہ یا نا کردہ گناہ پر شرمسار اور نادم تھے۔۔یقین کرنیکو تو جی نہیں چاہ رہاتھالیکن شواہدیہی تھے کہ وہ دونوں قاتل تھے۔انکا ماضی حال کنگالا جارہاتھا ۔۔فاروق نے اپنی پسند کی پردہدار لڑکی سے ایک أ ٓن لائن ویب سائٹ کے ذریعے رشتہ کیا ۔۔نکاح مسجد الحرام مکہ معظمہ میں ہواتھا۔ایک اچھے مسلمان کے لئے تو یہ سب باعث سعادت تھا۔۔لیکن کیا وہ دونوں واقعی قاتل اور مجرم تھے؟۔متضاد خبروں نے اسکا ذہن بے حد پریشان کردیا۔ہر وقت کی خبریں اور تبصرے ذہنی اذیت اور کوفت کا باعث تھے اسپر سیاسی لیڈروں کے زہر آلود پیغامات۔۔

ان حالات کی وجہ سے وہ بہت دلبرداشتہ اور غمزدہ تھی۔۔ 

آج موسم ابرآلود تھا شام کو بارش کی پیشن گوئی تھی اسنےسوچا کچھ چہل قدمی کر أؤں شاید رابرٹ ملے ۔اسے یہ سوچ کر کچھ گھبراہٹ سی ہوئی " اللہ جانے وہ کیسا محسوس کررہا ہوگا ؟ ایک مرتبہ تو اسنے اتنا بھی کہا کہ یہ سارے مذہب ہی فساد کی جڑ ہیں "لیکن پھر وہ اسلام میں کافی دلچسپی بھی لینے لگا تھاشاید اسلام قبول کرلے وہ اکثر سوچتی ۔انکی بس یہی چلتے پھرتے ملاقات اور گپ شپ ہوتی وہ اپنے کتوں کی تعریفیں کرتے نہیں تھکتاتھا۔اپنے کتوں کو لپٹاتا ، ہاتھ پھیرتا رہتا اسے اسکے کتوں سے بڑی گھبراہٹ ہوتی  اور وہ ہمیشہ یقین دہانی کرتا کہ یہ بہت ہی تمیزدار اور سدھے ہوئے کتے ہیں ۔۔ یہ تو میرے بہت پیارے بچے ہیں رابرٹ لاڈ سے کہنے لگتا ۔بیوی سے طلاق ہوچکی تھی ایک بیٹا تھا وہ دوسرے شہر میں رہتا تھا۔ انکے متعلق اسنے مختصراً بتایا۔

 اسی ادھیڑ بن میں وہ باہر نکلی فون پر تلاوت لگا کر ایرپلگ لگالئے۔۔ایک عجیب سا مہیب سناٹا چھایا ہوا ۔با دلوں کا رنگ گہرا ہو رہاتھا ،ہوا بالکل بند تھی یوں لگتا تھا طوفان کی أمد أمد ہے ۔ ایسے موسم میں یہاں یوں بھی لوگ دبک جاتے ہیں دور دور تک کوئی نہیں نظر أرہاتھا۔

اچانک دور سے رابرٹ اپنے ٹرک میں جاتا ہوا دکھائی دیا اسکے پاس ایک ہیوی ڈیوٹی پک اپ تھا جسے یہاں ٹرک کہتے ہیں ۔اسنے اسے ہاتھ ہلایا لیکن وہ جیسے نظر انداز کرکے گزر کیا۔۔" چلو کوئی بات نہیں جلدی میں ہوگا" اسنے جیسے اپنے آپکو تسلی دی۔ اچانک اسے محسوس ہوا جیسے کہ گھوم پھر کر چکر لگا رہا ہے اب وہ پارک کے قریب پہنچ چکی تھی ۔وہاں بھی ہو کا عالم تھا شاید موسم کا اثر تھا۔۔

اتنے میں رابرٹ نےاسکے قریب آکر گاڑی آہستہ کی ،کھڑکی کا شیشہ نیچے کیا جیسے وہ اس سے کچھ کہنا چاہتا ہو۔۔وہ اسکی جانب جیسے ہی متوجہ ہوئی "او یو بلڈی ٹیررسٹ "اس نے جواب دینے کے لئے منہ کھولاہی تھا ۔۔تڑ تڑ تڑ تڑ گولیوں کی بوچھاڑ، وہ چکرا کر گر پڑی۔۔خون کے فوارے جاری تھے اسکی شہادت کی دعا قبول ہوچکی تھی ۔۔ اسکا فون دور گر پڑا ۔۔اور تم انہیں مردہ مت کہو  ۔ جو اللہ کی راہ میں مارے جاتے ہیں وہ زندہ ہیں اور اللہ کے ہاں رزق پا رہے ہیں البقرہ کی آیات کی تلاوت جاری تھی۔۔۔۔۔

Friday, January 13, 2017

و ما ارسلنک الا رحمة العالمین ۔۔

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم---

و ما أرسلناك الا رحمة اللعلمىن

Blessings for the entire Universeﷺ

 Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

When Michael Hart put the name of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) on top the list of 100 most influential People, he had certain reasons for it. He was not a Muslim, yet he was unbiased and acknowledged the greatness of Prophet S.A.W. He suffered criticism by Christians and church to put the Jesus on 3rd place.

Muhammad (SAW) was a symbol of love and mercy for all, even towards his enemies. He was a symbol of altruism and affection and a living model of compassion for mankind. He was sent by Allah as to represent mercy for all living beings irrespective of creed, color, race or status.

وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ

“We sent you not but as a mercy for whole universe. (21:107)

Abu Hurairah(ra) reported that some people asked the Holy Prophet (SAW) to curse the unbelievers. He replied, “I was not sent on earth to curse; I was sent only as a mercy.”

The Prophet (SAW) taught others, through his personal example, to be kind and merciful. A companion of the Prophet (SAW) reported him as saying, “Allah will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.” While another companion reported him saying, “The inhabitants of paradise are of three classes; and one of them is a man who is merciful and tender-hearted to every relative and every Muslim.”

Abdullah bin Amr reported Allah’s messenger as saying, “Those who are merciful will have mercy shown to them by the Compassionate One. If you show mercy to those who are on the earth, He who is in the heavens will show mercy to you.”

Ibne Abbas reported, “He does not belong to us who does not show mercy to our young ones and respect to our old ones.”

The Holy Prophet (SAW) is a blessing, a symbol of mercy for all human beings even non-believers, hypocrites and the Jews of Madinah. He even showed mercy to those who tried to dishonor him and his religion and even plotted with his enemies to destroy the newly created State of Madinah and kill its leader.  Muhammad (SAW) showed mercy even to them and never treated them harshly. At the time of the conquest of Makkah, the mercy and forgiveness shown to the pagans is unparalleled in the history of the world. The Prophet (SAW) and his followers were persecuted for 13 years in Makkah, and the persecutors ultimately compelled them to migrate to Madinah. But the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his followers conquered Makkah, they forgave every injury inflicted on them. A general pardon was granted. Such an example of compassion and forgiveness is rare in the history of the world. The Holy Prophet (SAW) showed mercy to all and made no distinction among people. His love and mercy for everyone was beyond measure.

Thus, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent down as mercy and a blessing for everyone and everything in the Universe. He was not sent down for Muslims or Arabs only. In his whole life his manner was never unkind or unjust. Whoever came to him for guidance went back satisfied, whether they were Muslims or Non-Muslims, Arabs or Non-Arabs. The last Prophet (SAW) was, is and always will be a mercy for everyone as he was not the Prophet for Arabs but for the whole world.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

There is no compulsion in religion!

There is no compulsion in deen Abida Rahmani , Peoria, AZ

لا اکراہ فی الدین”

لَآ إِكۡرَاهَ فِى ٱلدِّينِۖ قَد تَّبَيَّنَ ٱلرُّشۡدُ مِنَ ٱلۡغَىِّۚ فَمَن يَكۡفُرۡ بِٱلطَّـٰغُوتِ وَيُؤۡمِنۢ بِٱللَّهِ فَقَدِ ٱسۡتَمۡسَكَ بِٱلۡعُرۡوَةِ ٱلۡوُثۡقَىٰ لَا ٱنفِصَامَ لَهَاۗ وَٱللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ (٢٥٦

There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejected false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (256)Albaqara

I would like to narrate a story related to this topic.

It was a stormy night the winds blowing at 60, 70 miles per hour. The howling sound of wind and the gushing sound of falling leaves were coming inside the closed doors and windows. It was a severe storm the predictions were coming through all the news channels. Allah knows his ways these leaves were in so many pretty colors around red, yellow and brown, showing their ultimate beauty before falling down. I am a naturalist, mesmerized by nature but these changing colors of leaves are so enchanting. It is the season of fall, in this season the leaves change in red, purple, brown, yellow and show a lot of beauty. It seems like every leaf has turned into a flower. In the end when the winter sets in, these leaves turned yellow and then brown. This show of colors comes to an end with a powerful storm and rests of the leaves are dropped off.

At noon when the winds died and it became quiet. I put on my jacket, wore a scarf, cap, joggers, put the phone in my pocket and set out for a walk. Ever since I have started living in these countries, walking is a passion for me. There are so many benefits to it. That keeps me fit, healthy, invigorating health wise and psychologically. Freshened up with fresh air, beautiful surroundings, and clean paths ,saying hello hi to the walkers and people outside. There were leaves all around. Some of the kids were busy racking them. From a distance I could see an old lady quite a frail one, sucking the leaves with a vacuum cleaner hose and then putting those in a trash bag. She barely could gather a few leaves with her trembling hands and there were heaps of leaves all around. May be her home was in the direction that the leaves gathered there abundantly. Watching this, my volunteer spirit got alive and decided to help her.” May I help you with picking up?” Yes, of course it’d be my pleasure” She gladly replied.” “Fetch me your gardening gloves. “She brought me gloves and after putting it on, I started picking up leaved with my both hands and put in the bags. She too helped me with that. She told me that she had a back surgery and can not bend down. We tied up the bags and put it near the side walk. She was so over whelmed that she hugged me and asked me to come in. I was in a bit hurry, it was almost evening. The winter days are so short. I promised her that I’ll come to meet her again.” you may come any time; I’m at home most of the time. “She was enthusiastic.

After a few days, it was Sunday; I decided to check on her. Rang the bell and she came out soon after. She was looking so pretty, fully made up wearing a red full sleeves high neck shimmering sweater with knee length black skirt and high heels. Are you going some where Aalen”? “No, just got back from church.” Which church do you follow, Was my next question? I’m Mormon we follow Mormon Church and which one is your church? She asked simultaneously.” I am Muslim and we go to Mosque.” I replied calmly. I was looking at her face about her reaction.” Oh Moslem, there are good people every where. Her comments were not unexpected. After 09/11 how the Muslims are portrayed in the media and stories coming one after another and so much turmoil going on in the Muslim world. She started telling me about Mormon faith. We are Christians, believe in Father and son, and believe in resurrection. We stay chaste, get married soon and believe in a big family. Chastity was very important for me. In this society, where every thing is so well organized, so well calculated, the sex issue is just left loose or solely free at doldrums. There is no such a word or practice as chastity, no virginity just living together and keeping the relations like animals. I was so grateful to Allah swt that at least there are some people who believe in this purity. She was mother of three, grand mother of 16 and great grand mother of 36 children. 

Wow you have a big family, I told her about myself and my belief. We believe in all the Prophets of God, we believe in Jesus his miraculous birth but not that he was the son of God. She was astonished because the Jews don’t believe in Jesus, the Christian and Jews do not believe in our Prophet Muhammad Saws. We pray five times a day; we go to mosque and even do it at home. “Mitt Romney is Mormon.” I asked her. Yes he is a wonderful administrator and organizer. Do you know that he was in charge for the Olympics in Salt Lake City? If he became president of the United States that would be a wonderful era for us. She was quite optimistic and hopes full.( Those were the days of US presidential election and Romney was contesting in primaries)You know that Tim Berners Lee the inventor of Internet was also a Mormon. We have a very interactive community. Mormons are quite active in North America, Europe and Africa. Aalen’s family members were preaching at Africa. She was so proud to be Mormon.

She lived all alone in her house. Her husband has died 10 year back. She missed him a lot.’ I did not look for another partner, just living with his memories.” It was Christmas time. The Charismas tree was glittering in a corner. Her poodle would come after a while; she would pat him and hold him up. “This is my baby, its name is joy and for me it is a bundle of joy.”
I said good bye to her with the promise to meet her in a few days. Packed a Christmas gift for her, it was the translation of Quran by Yousaf Ali and an embroidered bag from Pakistan. She baked me some nice cookies and gave me a beautiful picture frame. One of her son was visiting her along with his kid on Christmas. She was quite excited about it. She asked me to come over on Christmas day for a lunch with them. We were going out of town in holidays, therefore I apologized. We exchanged our phone numbers to stay in touch with each other more frequently. I checked with her about e-mail, she gave me the address but told me that she seldom goes on it. I play games on computer most of the time. 

I called her on New Year to congratulate her. She told me that she is in Utah right now, visiting her other family members. She was quite enthralled about my call and told me that she has read some of my bible.” Many of the stories are like our bible. I’ll call you after I get back.” 
The seniors here in North America are self confident, self sufficient and have a lot of self esteem. She was 79 years old and managed to do all her work by her self. Driving, doing groceries, cooking, and laundry were regular chores. A maid would come to clean up the house after every two weeks and a gardener would take care of the yards. I was a passionate gardener but now I can not bend and sit down. Pray for me that I do not end up in a nursing home.”

She called me after a week,” Abida, I’m back and would like to meet you tomorrow at noon.” “Sure come along, we will have lunch together.” No. I’ll just share coffee. People living here are out of formalities and straight forward. As usual I made some sandwiches because it was lunch time and some fruit mix. She brought me a nice snow globe, with light music snow falling on a house. It was enchanting.

She had a big family in Utah. “You know we Mormon women live a secured life. My own life was very protected.” “It is the same on our side, culturally and religiously. We Muslim woman are safe guarded by husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.

She liked the chicken sandwiches,” you are a good cook. You know I read your bible; most of the stories are similar to our bible, except a few. I brought a Quran from the room and showed her the Arabic. This is actually Quran in Arabic; the one I gave you is its translation. It was revealed on our Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him 1400 years ago. It is safe and intact the way it was revealed .She was listening attentively. I have heard Muhammad’s name the one whose cartoons were drawn in Denmark and Moslems protested a lot. She was aware of many issues.”I do not believe in making fun of any one’s religion or belief. But Moslems don’t believe in his depictions or statues, am I right?” She added.” Yes it was prohibited by the holy prophet himself. You know this kind of acts end up in idol worship and statue worship. Islam believes in the oneness of Allah (God) and no deity with him.” I did not want to overload her. Therefore I changed the topic to politics. What is the prospectus of Mitt Romney winning the primaries? “Oh yes I am sure he is going to win it this time and he will be the presidential candidate from GOP. He is a bright, genius and smart. She was all praises for him. If he won as a president all the woes of USA would be gone. (Some of the Christians do not consider Mormons as Christians, as still the prophets are coming to them, they believe in polygamy and some other differences.) She looked at the clock,”I have to see my doctor at 3:00 pm; it is already 2:00.” I bid her farewell. We started meeting each other quiet frequently and keeping in touch through phone. She was not an ardent internet user and seldom went to check e-mails on the laptop. Now the phones have made it so easy. She was getting used to her new iPhone.

Next time, I took the famous book of Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway” Jesus Christ the Prophet of Islam” for her. It was given as a gift to me by a friend. I considered it a best option, to give it to her. “Aalen read this book; it has many answers to your questions. You know we believe in Jesus Christ as a great Prophet, in his miraculous birth and in his miracles. Yet we deny that he was son of God or God has a son or a wife. God is only one and he has no son or wife.” In doing Dawah we have to take care of many aspects. The main is لا اکراہ فی الدین there is no compulsion in deen. We have to motivate and influence the person of interest softly, diligently and giving him or her enough time to conceive it. She used to tell me a lot about Mormons too. We were trying to impress each other with our beliefs but I realized that I had an upper hand.

She promised me to read the book and will let me know. After a couple of days she called me,” I finished that book, its very good, really inspired me. I will read it again to understand it more.” She was a prolific reader. I was a bit too busy in some of my tasks that got a call from her,” Could we meet tomorrow.” Yes, InshaAllah! What does this mean she repeated inshaAllah? It means, if Allah wills or God wills. Now she had come to the conclusion that there is no Muslim or Christian God. The God is one and Muslims call him Allah. I promised her to meet in the afternoon. The weather was good, therefore we decided to sit in a near by park. I was so grateful to almighty that she was getting inspired and interested so soon with out any resentment. She was a bit concerned about praying five times a day. How do you manage it? , she’d ask. You know it has become such a part of my life and routine that it is not difficult at all. If we are busy or in hurry we can only pray Fard( Obligatory). She was trying to absorb. Next time I performed my prayers ( Salaah) in front of her, did loud tilawat to get her into Quran. She watched with great interest.’ It is a great work out and meditation and this recitation is amazing ”. The main purpose is to please and thank Allah SWT.” You guys try to keep a great bondage with God; here the people do not care about it.”” You are right; we look forward to the life after death more enthusiastically and emotionally and believe that Allah will do reward us with paradise.” “We believe in the hereafter too but are quite careless about it.” I did not want to tell her that most of the Muslims are like this; just not caring about the here after…... It seemed if Allah is opening her heart towards Islam.

I brought her many pamphlets and brochures about Islam from Masjid. Most of these were from Why Islam and Gain Peace. Those were quite interesting and many of the questions were answered. Finally the day came when she asked me that she would like to pray with me. I was so excited about it and thanked Allah (SWT) for opening her heart. I told her how to get cleaned and did Wado (Ablution) together, telling her all the specific rules. She got ready put on her silk scarf on her head,” you know I can not bend because of my bad back.” Yes, sit on this chair. You can pray sitting, even lying if unable to prostrate and bent. There are many relaxations even if you do not get water or getting wet is not good for you, then you can do Tayammum.It all depends on our intention and sincerity.” I was doing it loudly and niyyah( intention) in English; she was just reciting Allah and Allahu akbar for which I have told her the translation. She was over whelmed,” I can not tell my fellow Mormons about it. They will kick me out of their folds and my family might resent.” You may keep it with you. Her mind was getting clear about Muslims, the stereo typed islamo phobia shown in Media. I told her a little bit about my trials and sufferings that all those happened by the hands of my country men and the followers of my religion. Crime and violence is all over in different countries. There are good and bad people every where. Most of the Muslims living here are peaceful and law abiding citizens, minding their own businesses. In fact they are back bone to the structure of this country.

Allah swt is the best guide. One day she finally gave me the good news that she wants to embrace Islam and offer Shadah. She was a bit shaky and excited at the same. I went to her home with a nice cake to celebrate. She had shower, came out fully dressed up. We offered Salaah because it was Asr time. After that I did dua mostly in English for her well being, this turning into the folds of Islam, her strength to stay on this path firmly. Then we started reciting Shahadaah ,و اشھد ان محمد الرسول اللہ اشھد ان لا الہ الا اللہ ( I bear witness that there is no God except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah) she was repeating after me. We did it three times. I hugged and kissed her congratulated her. She was overwhelmed and started crying, shaking badly. I wrapped her in her shawl. ,” Would I be able to meet David, we were husband and wife for 52 years and had a wonderful life together. He was a very good husband loving and caring.”” Yes, Allah will bless you a lot; he will forgive all your past sins and fulfill all your desires inshaAllah.” I tried to console her. We will have a formal Shahadah ceremony in Masjid with Br. Abdul Hakim the local imam and scholar. It was scheduled for next Friday. I told my friends about this too and all of them were looking forward to join in Masjid. They arranged a dinner that night to celebrate. They had a lot of gifts for her too. I got busy over the weekend doing shopping for her. Generally she wore long sleeves shirts but her skirts were short. I bought her long skirts, some scarves, prayer rug and books.

There was a bad accident at highway. It was constantly coming in local news; an old woman took a wrong turn. Her car got smashed; many cars were involved in that accident. There was no further information or details about the names. I waited for her call, and then called her but it went on the voice mail. Ultimately I decided to go to her home. On ringing the bell a young teenage boy opened the door.” May I help you?” “I am Aalen‘s friend, is she home?”The boy gave me a blank stern look and said,” she has died in yesterday’s highway’s accident.اناللہ وانا الیہ راجعون I was just taken aback, badly shaken. “Right now the body is in the hospital, it will come to funeral home on Thursday and the funeral service is on Thursday’s afternoon at 3:00pm. If you wish to join then come there. He gave me details and directions; he could realize through my gestures that I am a close friend. I was feeling quite a bit lost and devastated.

I got sympathy roses bouquet and went to the service. It was a Mormon’s church. Most of her kids and family members were present. The lights were dim, perfumed candles blowing a light gloomy music tune was played. Every body looked at me; they were surprised to see a colored woman with a head scarf there. Every one wearing black, I too was in a black suit. How can I tell them that she was a Muslim, she has taken Shahadah, offered salaah with me, studying Islam in depth. Her family started to euogolise her, every one narrating her contributions to her family. Her kids and grand kids told that she was such a good mother, a grand mother and a great grand mother. She gave them a lot of gifts on their birthdays, on Christmas and on different occasions. She was always very loving and caring. In the end her oldest son came to and announced that Mom’s lawyer is here and he has to announce some thing important about her will. I greatly appreciate the people here that they are so much concerned about their final rights and furnish will to be taken care of their assets and every thing after their death. While we as a Muslim, just ignore this part. It is ordered to us from Allah swt in Quran. 

The lawyer started, “two days before her death Aalen called me that she would like to meet me as soon as possible. I met her the same evening; she told me that she needs to make changes about her religion. She told me that she has converted to be a Muslim and it is all according to her own will and wishes because she was so inspired by a friend. If some thing happens to me, my final rites should be performed as a Muslim. Abida is my witness that I am a Muslim” I was so over whelmed that tears started rolling down my cheeks.ال حمد للہ رب العٰلمین I thanked Allah swt for this great blessings. Every one turned their faces towards me; they were sure about me that I am the same person.

The same boy Jeff brought a woman with her towards me. She shook hands,”Hi I’m Rebecca, Aalen’s daughter. Now you have to guide us what to do next.” She took me to the coffin, which was on a side. Aalen was wearing the same bred blouse, which she did when I met her from her return from the Church. She was fully made up. “The body is badly injured from back side.” She told me. 

I called Br. Abdul Hakim and told him about the whole situation. Then called Salima my friend, who was in charge of throwing a party for her in masjid . Now she is incharge of taking care of her shroud and ghusl (bath). We moved the body to masjid’s mortuary and the Janazah was after Friday’s prayer. The same time she was supposed to take Shahaddah. We gave her Ghusl and shroud her in white coffin. She was looking like an angle, surrounded by angles. Her face was glowing bright, so much in peace like a beautiful doll sleeping in tranquility.I felt as if she is telling me ,” look Abida how much serious I was in this whole matter? We were reciting duas all along. Her family was all there. Ladies were on ladies’ side and gents on gent’s side. There was a small partition in between. After Friday prayer Sheikh Abdul Hakim gave a speech that she was supposed to take Shahadah here at the same time. Every one was startled with that announcement. Allah knows his ways and how the matters take shape.

Her family joined us in Janazah . She was laid to rest in Islamic grave yard. You were a fighter and a Martyr in the path of Allah and Islam, me and my whole ummah salutes you. May Allah bless you with eternal blessings and give you high status in paradise. I will miss you badly; you will be cherished in my memories…..  

Brief Introduction of the writer: I, Abida Rahmani am a freelance writer. While in Karachi Pakistan, I contributed many articles to Daily Dawn, Jang and Jasaarat. I write on different relevant and current topics. Last year published a book of memoirs and different write ups from Pakistan. The name is زندگی ایک سفر". This book has been added to Urdu collection at Library of Congress at Washington DC.

I am a member of ICNA sisters for the last 11 years and right now in Multi Media team with Robina Ali. At the same time a member of Media team ICNA sisters Canada. Due to my certain conditions, I move on to different locations and therefore it is easy for me to stay in touch through online programs. 

الحمدللہ I have completed FemulQuran course and Online line Women University Courses of ICNA sisters and have been certified for all of them.

Earlier I was a member of Jamaat I Islami in Karachi for many years and worked with tehm for many years.

Posted on Jan 07, 14 | 7:32 am